Quite reallistic, beauty seeking approach at first, my photography evolved into trying to capture magic in nature and the human condition, sometimes and thanks to the experiences that my lifepath got me through, with a photojournalist approach. The aftermath got me into a start over experimenting with light and shadows, mingling myself with theater artists, dancers, performers, conceptual artists, acrobats, yoguis, and peoples in the most remote and isolated places, reinventing myself and my work... in the city, and/or with indigenous communities, artisans and dreamers, while living our magic and never ending world.

Nature photography

Instagram Gallery @ TWENTY20

1x.com gallery - Canopy series

Por los bosques...
"Labios de Tierra": Muestra musical & Exposición fotográfica
desde el 1ero de julio de 2011 en La 37 por las Tablas
Calle Benito Monción No.37, Santiago de los Caballeros
Republica Dominicana
Altas Amazonas...

Panoramio pictures

The island of Antigua...